Taking Action For Prairie: An Action-Orientated Education Program

Photo by Ducks Unlimited Canada.
SK PCAP has developed a
curriculum-supported, action-orientated environmental education program called
Taking Action For Prairie. This program reflects the goals and priority areas of SK PCAP and also directly correlates with the Science Curriculum.
- Grade 6 Diversity of Life
Saskatchewan native prairie is affected by its cultural diversity—First Nations, European settlers, ranchers—all of whom have affected the diversity of life on native prairie. As well, cross-curriculum support is provided by the conceptual focus for Grade 6 Arts Education, Identity, which includes how identity is influenced by factors such as cultural heritage. The idea of native prairie as “Home Place” (Stan Rowe 1990) fits well.
Topics: biodiversity, native species at risk, invasive alien plant species, cultural history, stewardship. - SK PCAP’s Cultural Goal: Native prairie is a valued part of our culture and identity as Saskatchewan people.
- Grade 7 Interactions with Ecosystems
This science unit fits well with the concepts of ecosystem health and functioning landscapes.
Topics: human impact, ecological footprints, sustainability, stewardship - SK PCAP’s Ecological Goal: Native prairie ecosystem health and biodiversity are conserved and restored as part of a functioning landscape
- Grade 8 Water Systems on Earth
For many Grade 8 students, conomics are playing a larger role in their lives. Introducing the concept of ecological goods and services will have more meaning to this age group and fits well with this science unit.
Topics: water quality/conservation, ranching, ecological goods & services, climate change, stewardship - SK PCAP’s Economic Goal: Sustainable uses of native prairie improve the livelihoods of Saskatchewan people.

Photo by Nature Saskatchewan.
Taking Action For Prairie will engage schools with an interactive 1.5-2 hour program for Grades 6-8 students and teachers. The objective of the program is to increase awareness and appreciation of the native prairie ecosystem and its conservation through the development and implementation of an Action Project by each grade after program delivery.
This program offers a
• 1.5-2 hr Class Presentation
• Comprehensive Teacher Resource Package
• Pre & Post Testing
• 1 Small Group Project delivered
• 1 Class Project to “Take Action For Prairie” Classes undertake a conservation or education project to take initiative to conserve native prairie and/or water.
This program is flexible to meet the teacher needs. All content is offered virtually through Google. Class Projects may be conducted virtually or as a group and is easily completed outdoors. For further information, contact Shirley Bartz, Education Coordinator at pcap.education@gmail.com.
Taking Action for Prairie is Presented by: